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About Me

Quick Facts

  • Over 40 years of experience

  • Mother to three daughters, grandmother to two granddaughters

  • Degree in Early Childhood Education and Development

  • Certified in Counseling, and Postpartum Care

  • Trained in Nutrition, Developmental Movement work, and Childbirth Education

  • Trained by The Nursing Mothers Council to provide Breastfeeding Support

  • Taught classes in Childbirth Preparation, Newborn Care, and Breastfeeding in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  • Former director of Blossom Birth Services in Palo Alto, CA

My Story

I became interested in early childhood development, and parent education shortly before my first daughter was born. I wanted to understand how babies learned and grew, starting from in-utero development to acquiring language. How does a newborn go from reflexive movements to standing and walking all in one year? How do they learn how to fall asleep on their own? What helps a child feel safe to explore their world? What can a parent do to foster close connections and resilience? I have spent decades studying these questions and learning from the many wonderful infants and toddlers that I have encountered throughout my career.  As well, I am the lucky mama to three beautiful daughters and an especially fortunate grandma two delightful granddaughters. I continue to ponder the big questions surrounding the early parenting years and delight in the ongoing pursuit of understanding our little ones.


My experience as an Early Parenting Educator and Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant ranges from running my own business in postpartum and infant care, sleep consulting, teaching classes to new and expecting parents, facilitating parent/baby discussion groups, and serving as the Director of Blossom Birth Services in Palo Alto, CA. I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in Infant Sleep, Early Childhood Education and Development, Counseling, Postpartum, and Infant Care, Nutrition, Breastfeeding Support, and Childbirth Education.


I work closely with families of varying needs to help answer parenting questions and provide support, specializing in the sleep, feeding, and behavior of children under four. I continue to learn and grow with each family I work with. 


Throughout my work, in this field, I have learned the most from the parents who have shared with me their joys and struggles along their parenting journey, as well as from my own experience as an infant and toddler care provider, sleep consultant, mother, and grandmother. I continue my education by reading the latest research on infant and toddler sleep and development, attending conferences, and collaborating with others working in this field.


Helping parents find solutions to their sleep challenges in a compassionate, non-judgmental way is at the heart of my career. I welcome the opportunity to provide support and guidance to you and your little one!  ​​

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